Sask. environment minister joins climate strikers for first time

Open borders are the Biggest Threat to increased C02 emissions. So, why don’t you climate crisis indoctrinated idiots stand guard at the borders and turn back the C02 emitters illegally crossing our borders.

Three more cases of climate crisis idiots at work

Saskatchewan Environment Minister Dustin Duncan began with a message of hope and and then acknowledged the group’s passion.

“It is clear to me that you want to see action because you love the Earth,” the environment minister said.

The protest was the sixth major strike put on by Regina’s Fridays for Future — the local chapter of a global movement driven by young people demanding action on climate change.

Saskatchewan Environment Minister Dustin Duncan joined climate protesters on Friday in Regina. Full Story

Yellowknife students urge government to declare climate emergency

Students and other residents in Yellowknife gathered in front of the Legislative Assembly Friday to urge the territorial government to declare a climate emergency. Full Story

Protestors hold climate change ‘die-in’ at Windsor’s David Croll Park

While some protestors participated in the die-in, others held up homemade signs calling for action. Full Story

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