World Toilet Day observes global sanitation crisis

There is too much "Crap in Canada" and it's time we sanitize our Nation. We need to setup a "Flush the Crap" committee in every town and city. All those who are dumping UN globalist crap upon the people must be dealt with. They will be given a choice, take an oath to stop crapping … Continue reading World Toilet Day observes global sanitation crisis

Who should get a medically assisted death?

Everyone implementing the UN globalist agendas upon the people of our Nation seems like a reasonable answer. "Hurrying to meet a looming court deadline, the federal government has given Canadians two weeks to weigh in on how far to extend access to medical aid in dying. Online consultations, which begin today, take on potentially contentious questions such as whether … Continue reading Who should get a medically assisted death?

Maybe a few words from Satan will wake the people of our Nation

Suing The Devil was released in 2011, Malcolm McDowell as Satan.Satan mentions that L vs R is a distraction, which it is. Why do men and women sell their souls? Power, Wealth and Fame,They all work together to deceive us and enslave us. The beginning of the movie reminds me of Martin Luther from the … Continue reading Maybe a few words from Satan will wake the people of our Nation

Trudeau says Iran must take ‘full responsibility’ – The People of our Nation say every level of ‘gov.’ must take ‘full responsibility’ for the ongoing Genocide at home.

Heart felt condolences to those who lost family members in the tragedy. There is a much larger tragedy taking place in our Nation and has been for many decades. Genocide signifies a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating … Continue reading Trudeau says Iran must take ‘full responsibility’ – The People of our Nation say every level of ‘gov.’ must take ‘full responsibility’ for the ongoing Genocide at home.

Sask. environment minister joins climate strikers for first time

Open borders are the Biggest Threat to increased C02 emissions. So, why don't you climate crisis indoctrinated idiots stand guard at the borders and turn back the C02 emitters illegally crossing our borders. Three more cases of climate crisis idiots at work Saskatchewan Environment Minister Dustin Duncan began with a message of hope and and … Continue reading Sask. environment minister joins climate strikers for first time

It’s time for all faiths to publicly support Muslim Canadians

Toronto Star- By Bernie M. Farber Mon., April 3, 2017 Bernie M. Farber is executive director of the Mosaic Institute. Note: I am no fan of Rebel media or Soldiers of Odin, which are mentioned in Farber's story. "We believe ourselves as Canadians to be different, better than our American cousins. Today, even more so, given the … Continue reading It’s time for all faiths to publicly support Muslim Canadians

Don Cherry will not apologize for his Coach’s Corner remarks regarding respect for those who fought and those who died in the wars

Cherry said he could have stayed on, "If I had turned into a tame robot who nobody would recognize." Don's most important statement. Most Canadians are Tame Robots, who are afraid to say what they know they should say. We all were subjected to the 'public school system" which was and is a system used … Continue reading Don Cherry will not apologize for his Coach’s Corner remarks regarding respect for those who fought and those who died in the wars

Elizabeth May is ‘interested’ in being the next Speaker of the House of Commons

'I am less partisan, certainly, than most members of Parliament.' Full story from the Communist Broadcasting Corporation. To be a successful political, one must be both a liar and deceiver.................fact! First I want to discuss the vote outcome of the election. The pollsters are patting themselves on the back as to how accurate their predictions … Continue reading Elizabeth May is ‘interested’ in being the next Speaker of the House of Commons

Politician Man

I want to thank Adrian for the song. Songs can go along way in helping to educate and de-program the men, women and children of this nation. If you are a musician and understand the threat to our nation, please start writing and producing songs that hold the politicians feet to the fire, as did … Continue reading Politician Man