Agenda 21 in Action

Regardless of where you live UN Agenda 21 is being implemented by your local council without your knowledge. Time to Stand, say NO!! and mean it. The Chicken Man, Andrew Wordes, in his own words 2012 RIP What's not Sustainable? Private Property “Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject … Continue reading Agenda 21 in Action

City Managers And CAO’s Are Implementing Agenda 21 At The Local Community Level

by Ron Stephens Your city managers and local councils are implementing Agenda 21. The ICMA is the (International City/County Management Association) of which your City Manager/CAO is likely a member. They are leading the effort to destroy your community, your way of life and your country from the local level. They implant the Global agenda … Continue reading City Managers And CAO’s Are Implementing Agenda 21 At The Local Community Level

Montreal Couple Threatened by Gov. For Growing Front Yard Garden

Ron Stephens All municipal governments in Canada are guilty of pushing UN Agenda 21 on it's citizens. This is treason and a breach of trust. People vote in municipal elections expecting local representation. Unfortunately, your municipal government does not represent you. Your local government is at the dictate of upper-level government/corporations and do their bidding. … Continue reading Montreal Couple Threatened by Gov. For Growing Front Yard Garden