Wind Turbine Madness

Wind turbine noise affects health

Huron Kinloss windfarm discussions going private

Editor: The folks in Huron - Kinloss should be outraged by this turn of events. The council was warned about the problems that were likely to occur by siting turbines so close to homes. Now they want a private closed door meeting excluding the general public but inviting supporters of wind farms. Something besides the … Continue reading Huron Kinloss windfarm discussions going private

Wind turbines cause health problems, residents say – CTV News

Editor: "Wind turbines are popping up in rural communities around the world, including Canada, in the hope that they will reduce reliance on coal and other sources for power." Hope is not what you build an electrical system on. The politicians can "hope" till the cows come home, but the facts speak for themselves. Nowhere … Continue reading Wind turbines cause health problems, residents say – CTV News