Agenda 21 in Action

Regardless of where you live UN Agenda 21 is being implemented by your local council without your knowledge. Time to Stand, say NO!! and mean it. The Chicken Man, Andrew Wordes, in his own words 2012 RIP What's not Sustainable? Private Property “Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject … Continue reading Agenda 21 in Action

Name that Traitor – Fun and Educational

Facebook Daily Show likes Name That Traitor. Traitor-"One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust" Government of Ontario checks out Name that Traitor IP Address 204.40.1.# (Government of the Province of Ontario) ISP Government of the Province of Ontario Location Continent  : North America Country  : Canada  (Facts) State/Region  : Ontario City  : Toronto Lat/Long  : 43.6667, -79.4167 (Map) Distance … Continue reading Name that Traitor – Fun and Educational

Why We Need a Smaller U.S. Population And How We Can Achieve It

Editor: Notice how the population graph looks the same as the Al Gore hockey stick in his MMGW propaganda movie. Any reduction in C02 will correspond with a planned reduction in human population.  Environment and Eugenics are one and the same. Why We Need a Smaller U.S. Population And How We Can Achieve It Donald … Continue reading Why We Need a Smaller U.S. Population And How We Can Achieve It

Smart Growth is Agenda 21

Smart Growth and sustainability are cover words for Agenda 21. Agenda 21 will destroy our countries and with it the lives of the children, Our elected officials are traitors to both our countries and humanity. They strive for world tyranny. 1st collector for Smart Growth is Agenda 21 Follow my videos on vodpod Related articles … Continue reading Smart Growth is Agenda 21

Canadian Politics Exposed

Stephen Harper has his majority government, what now? He stated at the G20 "It's a loss of Canadian Sovereignty.  The UN wants to head-up a world parliament, which will supersede our sovereignty. How do you feel about this? Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly and watch this movie Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold … Continue reading Canadian Politics Exposed

Canadian Involvement in World Parliament

click for full size - Print and Post by Ron Stephens Harper is just one more traitor in a long list of Canadian traitors. Corporatism is a form of fascism, where big business and government work as partners at the expense of the productive class. corporatism [ˈkɔːpərɪtɪzəm -prɪtɪzəm]n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the organization of … Continue reading Canadian Involvement in World Parliament

New Pathogen Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops Causes Spontaneous Abortions and Infertility in Livestock?

Editor: I have not had time to fully research or confirm but this story is popping up across the net. If this story doesn't show up in the "main stream propaganda".........there is a very good chance  the story is true! If you understand the "big plan"  this story makes perfect sense.   New Pathogen Found … Continue reading New Pathogen Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops Causes Spontaneous Abortions and Infertility in Livestock?