IPCC United Nations Climate Fraud

A catastrophic heat wave appears to be closing in on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. How hot is it getting in the scientific kitchen where they've been cooking the books and spicing up the stew pots? So hot, apparently, that Andrew Weaver, probably Canada's leading climate scientist, is calling for replacement of IPCC leadership … Continue reading IPCC United Nations Climate Fraud

NASA Global Warming Alarmist Endorses Book That Calls For Mass Genocide

Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.comFriday, January 22, 2010Prominent NASA global warming alarmist Dr. James Hansen has endorsed an eco-fascist book that calls for cities to be razed to the ground, industrial civilization to be destroyed and genocidal population reduction measures to be implemented in the name of preventing climate change. Hansen, who was back in the … Continue reading NASA Global Warming Alarmist Endorses Book That Calls For Mass Genocide

Climate change

Climate alarmism is a runaway fire by Professor Will AlexanderClimate changeThis is what the Secretary General of the United Nations had to say earlier this month.We have just four months to secure the future of our planet. If we fail to act, climate change will intensify droughts, floods and other natural disasters. Water shortages will … Continue reading Climate change

Global warming and the Carbon Tax Scam,Fraud

Global warming and the Carbon Tax Scam,Fraud Technorati Tags: Global warming and the Carbon Tax Scam, Fraud, climate change, Al Gore, Maurice Strong

Do you want anti-cancer drug in junk food?

Editor: Is this the beginning of Codex Alimentarius in Canada - it sure has the earmarks.Consider it is recommended by the WHO - the same people that brought us the H1N1 pandemic.Denmark home of the wind energy fraud and the Copenhagen climate/NWO accord (fraud)Sweden home of the first Earth Conference promoting depopulation 1972 etc.All born … Continue reading Do you want anti-cancer drug in junk food?

Why did Copenhagen fail to deliver a climate deal?

BBC News - Why did Copenhagen fail to deliver a climate deal?Why did Copenhagen fail to deliver a climate deal?Climate sculpture in Copenhagen (Image: AFP)The summit failed to deliver a way to halt dangerous climate changeAbout 45,000 travelled to the UN climate summit in Copenhagen - the vast majority convinced of the need for a … Continue reading Why did Copenhagen fail to deliver a climate deal?

History of climate gets ‘erased’ online

History of climate gets 'erased' online History of climate gets 'erased' online More than 5,000 entries tailored to hype global-warming agenda Posted: December 21, 2009 8:32 pm Eastern By Chelsea Schilling © 2009 WorldNetDaily "Solomon revealed that Connolley, one man in the nine-member team who is a U.K. scientist, a software engineer and Green Party … Continue reading History of climate gets ‘erased’ online

Global Warming Kills Europeans

BBC News - More than 80 dead in European winter weatherMore than 80 dead in European winter weatherA priest walks in snow in Kiev, 21 DecemberTemperatures in Ukraine are expected to improve by WednesdayMore than 80 people have died across Europe as days of snow storms and sub-zero temperatures swept the continent, causing traffic chaos … Continue reading Global Warming Kills Europeans

Climate-change action needs a Pearl Harbor moment

Climate-change action needs a Pearl Harbor moment - The Globe and MailEditor: This is by far the most preposterous article ever written on global warming/climate change I've read to date and I've read a ton of them.I've said for years that if you want to get to the truth, where govt.and media are concerned, flip … Continue reading Climate-change action needs a Pearl Harbor moment

“Copenhagen Only First Step Towards New Climate World Order”

English » Euro-medChancellor Merkel: “Copenhagen Only First Step Towards New Climate World Order”Posted by Anders under English, Euromed Summary: The Climate Summit in Copenhagen ended in 1o centigrades below zero outside and an almost equally cold air between the parties inside. The elephant gave birth to a mouse in the form of a declaration of … Continue reading “Copenhagen Only First Step Towards New Climate World Order”