The UN Deception – Freedom or Fascism

by Ron Stephens Regardless of where you live or your political affiliation, this video will wake you up. The free world is at the crossroads. We have only two choices at this juncture. Live free, which is going to take considerable effort by all, or, live under Tyrannical  rule by a   group of unelected Godless … Continue reading The UN Deception – Freedom or Fascism

Chemtrails or Geo-engineering?

Call them Chemtrails or Geo-engineering, your choice. Regardless of  the terminology used, one indisputable fact remains. Someone is spraying us. Videos shot in and around the town of Kincardine Ontario over the last few years. (we still take video, but after so many, what's the point) The first video is actually the second video made. … Continue reading Chemtrails or Geo-engineering?


Editor: We are on our own's time to step forward! The Municipal elections are just around the corner. Put your hundred dollars on the table and jump in. It's just like going for a swim. The water's great once you get in. So, dive on in. Your opportunity to educate the public and make … Continue reading NEW WORLD ORDER CORRUPTION IN CANADA

Inuit Call “Global Warmers” Liars

Polar bears not at risk: Nunavut The Nunavut government does not think the polar bear should be classified as a species of special concern under the federal Species at Risk Act, says territorial Environment Minister Daniel Shewchuk. Scientists on the committee have argued that although Canada's polar bear population has improved over the last 50 … Continue reading Inuit Call “Global Warmers” Liars

Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era

Space and Science Research Center P.O. Box 607841  Orlando, FL 32860                                                                                                  407-394-9089 Press Release SSRC 2-2010 Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era Monday, May 10, 2010 11:30 AM The Space and Science Research Center (SSRC), the leading independent research organization in the United States on the subject of … Continue reading Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era

Climate ‘fix’ could poison sea life

Editor: Want a better world? If it looks green, sounds green or talks green - stomp it till it stops moving! . Fertilising the oceans with iron to absorb carbon dioxide could increase concentrations of a chemical that can kill marine mammals, a study has found. Iron stimulates growth of marine algae that absorb CO2 … Continue reading Climate ‘fix’ could poison sea life

Olympic Security Blow up Fishing Pole

Editor Almost a billion spent on Olympic security - Better blow something up! From the CBC the same folks that want you to believe MMGW is real. Should "Security Blowup" be added as an event in future Olympic Games? Concerns about a suspicious object found in the Lonsdale Quay area of North Vancouver on Thursday … Continue reading Olympic Security Blow up Fishing Pole

2010 Olympics earn a bronze for climate action

Editor: David Suzuki - A Canadian embarrassment and traitor! (Photos added) Please feel free to send a copy to Suzuki. He refuses to debate me, or anyone else, on global warming.  Please ask him if he disagrees with this post, or any other information on this blog, and if so - WHY? The govt. has … Continue reading 2010 Olympics earn a bronze for climate action

Osama Bin Laden to Become New Head of IPCC

by Ron Stephens Recently, the IPCC  dealt with controversies such as  'climategate' and allegations of fraud.  In an effort to re-ignite interest in "Man Made Global Warming", the IPCC has requested Osama Bin Laden take over the reigns of leadership. Explaining the IPCC's choice of Bin Laden, an unidentified official said, "Osama has an unmatched … Continue reading Osama Bin Laden to Become New Head of IPCC

Global “sun block,” says Climate Scientist

Editor: So, David Keith thinks  it's time to look into the idea of geoengineering. In case you haven't noticed Mr. Keith, they have been spraying the skies for years. Could it be that you've had your head stuck too far up the asses of the likes of Gore, Suzuki and Strong to notice. The first … Continue reading Global “sun block,” says Climate Scientist