Ottawa’s largest school board will survey students about their race, religion, gender identity and sexuality

More demonic UN Globalist ideology aimed at the children. All part of the 'global citizen agenda.' When are parents going to wake up to the UN globalist demonic indoctrination process being applied to their children? What does race, religion, gender identity and sexuality have to do with education? This is 100% Child Abuse! and soon … Continue reading Ottawa’s largest school board will survey students about their race, religion, gender identity and sexuality

David Suzuki Worries About Santa Clause

Editor This is rich - David Suzuki worried about Santa Clause. Suzuki comes clean on green Suzuki doesn't care about Santa or Christmas. Suzuki is  an atheist, who worships the earth, hates the human race and would be happy if the "naked ape" just disappeared from the face of the planet, although he seems in … Continue reading David Suzuki Worries About Santa Clause

Gore and Suzuki – Child Abusers?

Child abuse is the blanket term to describe four types of child mistreatment: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. In many cases children are the victims of more than one type of abuse. The abusers can be parents or other family members, caretakers such as teachers and babysitters, acquaintances (including other children), and … Continue reading Gore and Suzuki – Child Abusers?