Canadian Patriot formally “DECLARES WAR”

A true Canadian Patriot formally “DECLARES WAR on WIND COMPANIES in ONTARIO”!! By thebiggreenlie Here’s a question?:  If some stranger entered your home and tried to destroy your life what would you do? This may be a bit baffling in this day and age when your home is supposed to be “Your Sanctuary” from the  hustle and bustle and craziness … Continue reading Canadian Patriot formally “DECLARES WAR”

Homes bought by wind company at Ripley wind farm

Editor: Mitch Twolan, Huron-Kinloss mayor,  forced several owners to vacate their cottages built-in the late fifties - early sixties, without cause (Agenda 21/Wildlands Project) When I confronted Carmen Krogh of Wind Vigilance and Dave Colling of WCO and the Inter-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group, at a wind meeting in the same area and asked, "when are … Continue reading Homes bought by wind company at Ripley wind farm

Ron Stephens ‘Why Wind Farms?’

WIND FARMS EXPOSED as a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT land grab and economic scheme based on carbon tax/credits, Wind Energy & U.N. Agenda 21 explained in a presentation by Ron Stephens at the 'What is Truth Conference' in Woodford, Ontario, Canada (19/12/2010) Toronto Truth Seekers - MORE VIDEO FOOTAGE of the Woodford Truth Conference COMING … Continue reading Ron Stephens ‘Why Wind Farms?’

Kincardine Mayor Hopefuls Debate

Ron Stephens At the all candidates meeting in Tiverton a gentleman asked a simple question. "All those against more turbines on land in the Municipaltiy please stand." I was amazed to see how few stood besides myself. Both Kraemer and Haight remained seated and exclaimed "it's not a fair question" In the audio clip (follow … Continue reading Kincardine Mayor Hopefuls Debate

Nuclear and Biofuels Discussed

Editor As you read the two stories below you will notice environmental groups against nuclear and for biofuels. The govt. took the advice of the environmental groups when they implemented their renewable policies because of the pressure of the GREENS and their fear of losing elections. Reality and science, which up till now have been … Continue reading Nuclear and Biofuels Discussed