Ontario Liberal Leadership Race Between Glen Murray and Kathleen Wynne

Canada Live November 4th 2012 On this edition we discuss many topics of concern to Canadians. Harper and the China trade agreement, David Suzuki, Global Warming, International Soil Day and the Ontario Liberal Leadership Race Between Glen Murray and Kathleen Wynne. Our discussion on the Liberal leadership race begins at the 30 minute mark of … Continue reading Ontario Liberal Leadership Race Between Glen Murray and Kathleen Wynne

Dalton McGuinty Wants to Paint it Red

Paint it Red Please check out the Liberal web site and see if you can find any reference to wind energy. I can't. Maybe they don't mention it so no one will ask them any questions. Even Dwight Duncan the Energy Minster who is going to devastate his own riding with wind farms doesn't mention … Continue reading Dalton McGuinty Wants to Paint it Red

ACW Council waits for wind word from ministry-Update

From the editor: We need more men and women with the backbone and conviction of Councilor Barry Millian   I got involved with the wind farm issue in Oct. 2006. The Kingsbridge l wind farm started operation in the spring of that year in the Twp. of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh. I had no intention of getting involved. … Continue reading ACW Council waits for wind word from ministry-Update

Reputrace Visits this Blog Regularly

 What are they looking for and who is running the software? The Govt., the wind industry? They have no reason to check this blog as we make every effort to post only truth. The Govt. and the wind industry on the other hand.................. Maybe the citizens should get Reputrace software and track their web sites … Continue reading Reputrace Visits this Blog Regularly

Bruce County to Get up to 3000 Turbines

From the Editor Anything less than a complete moratorium on wind farms in Ontario is unacceptable. The corporations will smile at you while they take over rural Ontario. Heading full speed ahead back to "Feudal Times" where you are reduced to a Serf on the land you once owned and controlled. Tell your Liberal MPP … Continue reading Bruce County to Get up to 3000 Turbines

Wind Farms Fail Once Again in Ontario

From the Sygration website Ontario Generation for 2007-07-24 All power production in Ont today. Once again wind fails. 400 MW capacity producing next to nothing.The graph starts at 1am. McGuinty is too stupid to be the leader of this province. I don't have much faith in the other parties either. They have all become corporate … Continue reading Wind Farms Fail Once Again in Ontario

Dalton McGuinty and his Wind Farm Dream

Dalton McGuinty is a DISASTER By not putting the scrubbers on the coal plants he has put the people of Ont. at risk. He said he would shut down the coal plants in 2007. I have yet to find a report saying that was possible. Options for coal plants He said he got bad advice. … Continue reading Dalton McGuinty and his Wind Farm Dream