Wind power was useless in blackout

Editor: Another example of the importance of wind energy. The Ont. govt. is a regular visitor to this site and should have learned something by now. I've come to the conclusion they suffer from one of the following. 1) They can't comprehend what they read. 2) They are stupid and suffer from very low IQs. … Continue reading Wind power was useless in blackout

Disturbing wind brewing

Editor: First, I would like to thank the The Chatham Daily News for printing this story. Nowhere on the planet has industrial wind energy proved it's claims. Dalton McGuinty, our esteemed Premier, calls  wind energy  expensive and unreliable. What does that statement infer. To me it says, he is not in charge, but is in … Continue reading Disturbing wind brewing

Wind turbines in Union Township would need to be at least one-half mile from homes

 Watch the video EVANSVILLE — Regulations being considered for wind turbines in Union Township would make a proposed wind energy project in the township impossible, the wind developer said this morning. Wind turbines in Union Township would need to be at least one-half mile from homes and 1,000 feet from property lines, according to a … Continue reading Wind turbines in Union Township would need to be at least one-half mile from homes

Worldwide rush for wind power could result in massive debt

Posted November 30, 2007 As told in a recent ad, a Johnsburg farmer who will host wind turbines now has many regrets. He regrets having been the "lure" to draw in other unsuspecting landowners. He regrets that he has allowed fields to be subdivided, road base to be spread on land once picked bare of … Continue reading Worldwide rush for wind power could result in massive debt

OMB dashes hopes for quick start on turbines

[ News Watch Home ]   Any hope Canadian Hydro Developers Inc. might have had for an early start to the Melancthon II wind farm project appears to have been effectively dashed by a decision of the Ontario Municipal Board. OMB member Norman Jackson has generally decided conditionally in favour of the Melancthon II wind … Continue reading OMB dashes hopes for quick start on turbines

ACW Council waits for wind word from ministry-Update

From the editor: We need more men and women with the backbone and conviction of Councilor Barry Millian   I got involved with the wind farm issue in Oct. 2006. The Kingsbridge l wind farm started operation in the spring of that year in the Twp. of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh. I had no intention of getting involved. … Continue reading ACW Council waits for wind word from ministry-Update

Anne Murray lends voice to opponents of N.S. wind farm

By DARRELL COLE The Canadian Press | 5:41 PM GULF SHORE — Nova Scotia's songbird wishes a proposed wind farm in Gulf Shore would just fly away. Singer Anne Murray, who has a summer home in the area, is joining other residents in opposing the construction by Atlantic Wind Power Corp. of 20 to 27 … Continue reading Anne Murray lends voice to opponents of N.S. wind farm

Dalton McGuinty and his Wind Farm Dream

Dalton McGuinty is a DISASTER By not putting the scrubbers on the coal plants he has put the people of Ont. at risk. He said he would shut down the coal plants in 2007. I have yet to find a report saying that was possible. Options for coal plants He said he got bad advice. … Continue reading Dalton McGuinty and his Wind Farm Dream