Canada Announces Contributions to IMF to Help Safeguard Global Economic Stability

Hey Canadians....keep slaving away or Wake UP! Canada Announces Contributions to IMF to Help Safeguard Global Economic Stability October 8, 2016 – Washington, D.C. – Department of Finance Canada Canada is committed to contributing to a stable global economy that benefits the middle class and those working hard to join it. Finance Minister Bill Morneau … Continue reading Canada Announces Contributions to IMF to Help Safeguard Global Economic Stability

Uses for the UN Flag

Editor: If you or someone you know works for, supports or promotes the goals of the United Nations, it is a direct attack against Canada. The Goal of the UN is the formation of a World Government. This will require the loss of our sovereignty. I urge you to research their plans for our country … Continue reading Uses for the UN Flag

Canadian Involvement in World Parliament

click for full size - Print and Post by Ron Stephens Harper is just one more traitor in a long list of Canadian traitors. Corporatism is a form of fascism, where big business and government work as partners at the expense of the productive class. corporatism [ˈkɔːpərɪtɪzəm -prɪtɪzəm]n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the organization of … Continue reading Canadian Involvement in World Parliament

Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land

Editor: Make this documentary compulsory viewing for every Canadian. The young man who made this documentary deserves the Order of Canada. People like Suzuki, Maurice Strong, Elizabeth May and many others should give theirs back. Unlike this young man, they are liars, deceivers and eco-fascists who have worked their entire careers with the goal of … Continue reading Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land

The Irish Protest Against Govt., EU and IMF

Regardless of which country you call home, you need to stand up and protect your national sovereignty. Make no mistake - your govt. is not working for you but is a  facilitator for the NWO.  All over the world govt. and bankers are working together to destroy Nation States as dictated by the United Nations … Continue reading The Irish Protest Against Govt., EU and IMF

Freedom and The Nations Fate by Saga

A couple of songs by Saga to remind us all that we are losing our rights and our Nation at a frightening pace. The freedoms you enjoyed in Canada will not be there for your children and grandchildren if you remain asleep.  You have a duty to them and your country. Turn off the damn … Continue reading Freedom and The Nations Fate by Saga

Federal loans threaten P.E.I. livestock farms

Editor: This was not a helping hand by the was a setup. Harper spent 1 billion to host the G20 to discuss the demise of Canadian Sovereignty.  He spent it........ maybe he should pay it back before he's jailed for Treason. The same goes for all parties in this country. We borrow our money … Continue reading Federal loans threaten P.E.I. livestock farms

Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land!

Click to view movie or download to see how badly your being screwed! This is a serious journalism piece that asks the tough questions directly to such politicians as Former Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, Ontario Gas Man Dan McTeague, NDP Leader Jack Layton, … Continue reading Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land!