Wind turbine noise – Suncor wind farm Ripley

Editor: Now that the Ontario Municipal Elections are over and it appears most Rural Municipalities have their "Green Teams" in place for the final take-down of Rural Ontario,  it seems  like a good time to re-post this video which now has over 30.000 views. Expect to see many more turbines dotting the Rural landscape in … Continue reading Wind turbine noise – Suncor wind farm Ripley

Ontario Federation of Agriculture Sells Out Rural Ontario

Editor At the beginning of this video you will see logos of the founders of the Green Energy Act. Besides the Eco-Nazis you will also see the logo for the OFA (Ontario Federation of Agriculture) So, we know the OFA is in bed with the Eco-Nazis. The aim of the Eco-Nazis is to run people … Continue reading Ontario Federation of Agriculture Sells Out Rural Ontario

Video of Dr. Copes Speaking in Owen Sound-Wind Turbines

Editor: As you read the article that follows, pay attention to what Bill Murdoch MPP has to say. First - the Ont. Conservative Party planned to install more wind turbines than the Liberals - stated in their 2007 election platform. Murdoch says he opposed the GEA but he never bothered to vote against it.  When … Continue reading Video of Dr. Copes Speaking in Owen Sound-Wind Turbines

Safe setbacks: How far should wind turbines be from homes?

Let's start with what one manufacturer considers to be safe for its workers. The safety regulations for the Vestas V90, with a 300-ft rotor span and a total height of 410 feet, tell operators and technicians to stay 1,300 feet from an operating turbine -- over 3 times its total height -- unless absolutely necessary.That … Continue reading Safe setbacks: How far should wind turbines be from homes?

Turbines Meet Ontario Noise Guidlines

.Dust-up over wind farms Source the Toronto Sun Report: Noise from turbines meet guidelines By JONATHAN JENKINS, QUEEN'S PARK BUREAU There's no scientific proof wind turbines make disturbing levels of noise and, although more study is needed, Ontario's guidelines are sound, a long-awaited consultant's report for the ministry of the environment says. The report by … Continue reading Turbines Meet Ontario Noise Guidlines

Ontario Wind Farms – Dalton McGuinty

Edtior: Mr. McGuinty, you are allowing the UN to set our energy policy. Your wind farms have forced people from their homes, and threaten many more. If you are stupid enough to think that wind will power this province - you are too stupid to be leader of this province. Health - Education - Agriculture … Continue reading Ontario Wind Farms – Dalton McGuinty

Letter from Dr. Pierpont to Kim Iles

Editor: The Ontario govt. ie well aware of the problems caused by wind turbines. They are well documented. They know they are putting the health of citizens at risk. The govt. must stop this insanity now and they must be held responsible for their actions. I would like to thank Nina Pierpont for her tireless … Continue reading Letter from Dr. Pierpont to Kim Iles

Wind energy: beware, turbulence ahead

[Bernard Viau was the editor of the national newsletter for the Green Party of Canada. When he posted an article denouncing wind in early July, Green Party of Canada Opposes Placing Industrial Wind Farms too Close to Homesthere was such a backlash that he resigned his post.] Wind farm projects are growing like mushrooms after … Continue reading Wind energy: beware, turbulence ahead

ACW Council waits for wind word from ministry-Update

From the editor: We need more men and women with the backbone and conviction of Councilor Barry Millian   I got involved with the wind farm issue in Oct. 2006. The Kingsbridge l wind farm started operation in the spring of that year in the Twp. of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh. I had no intention of getting involved. … Continue reading ACW Council waits for wind word from ministry-Update

Bruce County to Get up to 3000 Turbines

From the Editor Anything less than a complete moratorium on wind farms in Ontario is unacceptable. The corporations will smile at you while they take over rural Ontario. Heading full speed ahead back to "Feudal Times" where you are reduced to a Serf on the land you once owned and controlled. Tell your Liberal MPP … Continue reading Bruce County to Get up to 3000 Turbines