Ontario Liberal Leadership Race Between Glen Murray and Kathleen Wynne

Canada Live November 4th 2012 On this edition we discuss many topics of concern to Canadians. Harper and the China trade agreement, David Suzuki, Global Warming, International Soil Day and the Ontario Liberal Leadership Race Between Glen Murray and Kathleen Wynne. Our discussion on the Liberal leadership race begins at the 30 minute mark of … Continue reading Ontario Liberal Leadership Race Between Glen Murray and Kathleen Wynne

John Gerretsen, M.P

By Ron Stephens Independent candidate for Grey - Bruce The letter below is from Hugh Christopher Brown of Wolfe Island, Ontario. He, like many others in this province, is frustrated with the Minister of Environment. From the office of Premier McGuinty to the office of your local MPP, the government has shown absolute disrespect for … Continue reading John Gerretsen, M.P

Is the govt. being honest about wind energy

poll results Is the govt. being honest about wind energy Yes (198) No (840) Don't Know (83) Total votes: 1121 Premier, Dalton McGuinty Talks About Renewable Energy For Ontario Before You Sign a Wind Turbine Contract

Wind Farms – Lake Huron Ontario – Video

Editor: Tried to post a comment on this video by the Windsor Star but it wouldn't accept comments so I had to bring it here. These comments will make sense, or not, after you view the video. The reporter in the video says the wind will power 440,00 homes. According to the ISO - for … Continue reading Wind Farms – Lake Huron Ontario – Video

Bill C 51-Notice of a protest rally on in Richmond

Editor Although our main purpose is to expose the wind industry - this is very important. If you can attend do and if you know someone near Richmond please alert them. . *Notice of a protest rally on Bill C 51  in Richmond* On *Wednesday. May 21*, Health Canada is holding a "stakeholders' meeting" in … Continue reading Bill C 51-Notice of a protest rally on in Richmond

A Fight Against Windmills In Denmark

Editor: Wind farms are quiet and cause no problems. That's what we were told. Yet, in Denmark  people don't want wind turbines near them because of noise, flicker and other problems. Both the industry and the govt. continue to ignore any and all of the problems associated with the wind industry. Why? Property values do … Continue reading A Fight Against Windmills In Denmark

Ontario Boasts 472 MW of Wind Energy

We now have 472 MW of  clean renewable wind energy, making us less dependent on those dirty fossil fuels, or are we? At 300 homes per MW, the wind farms in Ont. should according to  the Govt., wind industry and the media, the 472 MW should be powering 141,600 homes. At 3pm I checked to … Continue reading Ontario Boasts 472 MW of Wind Energy

Premier, Dalton McGuinty Talks About Renewable Energy For Ontario

Editor: I would like to thank Lynne, for sending me the Hansard below. Just what is Premier, Dalton McGuinty up to. According to our Premier, Dalton McGuinty Ontario Hansard - 19-April2006 "I think the member opposite knows that when it comes to natural gas, prices there tend to be volatile, and it remains a significant … Continue reading Premier, Dalton McGuinty Talks About Renewable Energy For Ontario

County commissioners say no to wind farms

Editor: Finally, wind farms are being turned down for reasons brought forward by those fighting the industry. Noise, loss of property value and loss of enjoyment of  property. The court also acknowledged the efforts of members from the organization Save Our Scenic Hill Country who were on hand for the decision. It's refreshing to see … Continue reading County commissioners say no to wind farms

Calculating The Real Cost of Industrial Wind Power

Friends of Arran Lake Wind Action Group Bruce County, Ontario AN INFORMATION UPDATE FOR ONTARIO ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS Compiled by Keith Stelling, MA (McMaster), MNIMH, Dip. Phyt., MCPP (England) November, 2007 INTRODUCTION 1.0 The history of human technological innovation is littered with projects that have had to be abandoned because they were based on a narrow … Continue reading Calculating The Real Cost of Industrial Wind Power