Climategate exposes how far the Greenies went!

Climategate exposes how far the Greenies went! Lawrence Solomon: Wikipedia’s climate doctorPosted: December 19, 2009, 2:49 AM by NP EditorBy Lawrence SolomonThe Climategate Emails describe how a small band of climatologists cooked the books to make the last century seem dangerously warm.The emails also describe how the band plotted to rewrite history as well as … Continue reading Climategate exposes how far the Greenies went!

David Suzuki and the CBC

Editor: Suzuki gets caught abusing children at CBC (Communist Broadcasting Corporation). Maybe they could change the name to the CEC (Canadian Eugenics  Corporation) - much closer to the truth. Will Suzuki come clean on Green? . Story by Prosperous Individual CBC Radio Employs Child Abuser as Friday Host Make no mistake; even though this article reflects … Continue reading David Suzuki and the CBC

Global Warming Hits Southern US Hard

By Ron Stephens Global warming and the burning of fossil fuels has caused problems in Mississippi and Louisiana. Up to 4" of snow fell on Dec 4th causing power outages and icy bridges and overpasses in the area according to AP. This is the earliest snow ever recorded in the area. The environmentalists and the … Continue reading Global Warming Hits Southern US Hard

Climategate by Rex Murphy on CBC News

Editor: While it's good to see Rex shed some badly needed light on the scam that is "global warming", don't forget that CBC is up to it's neck in the constant promotion of the scam. Peter Mansbridge has done stories about the importance of wind energy to combat global warming which was always a scam.  … Continue reading Climategate by Rex Murphy on CBC News


CLIMATE SCIENCE CORRUPTED How the IPCC's sponsor, the UNEP, and key IPCC individuals have misled Governments into supporting the notion of manmade warming by John McLean SUMMARY FOR POLICY MAKERS The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established under the sponsorship of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). … Continue reading CLIMATE SCIENCE CORRUPTED

An Environmentalist Awakens to the Truth

Hello, You left a comment on my blog about a year and a half ago - shortly after i first sarted it - your comment below for reference. It was a comment that troubled my mind for quite some time as at the time it was something i could not comprehend and although i paid … Continue reading An Environmentalist Awakens to the Truth

World Net Daily Banned From Copenhagen

Editor: A regular reader of this blog sent the story below - thank you. Yesterday I spent most of the day calling major news outlets across Canada asking why they were not doing stories on the release of the emails exposing the fraud of MMGW. I called CBC, CTV and Global news offices from Vancouver … Continue reading World Net Daily Banned From Copenhagen

Climate Catastrophe Canceled

Editor: Global Warming is a scam! Watch the video to understand how evil the plan and the people behind it are. The scam started with a directive from the Club of Rome and the rest is history.   The Finns have produced a half hour documentary that debunks the computer models predicting global warming and … Continue reading Climate Catastrophe Canceled

Winds Turbines and Health

Editor: Fairchild Television contacted me in June and in July their film crew came to the Ripley wind farm to shoot a feature about the negative affects of living near wind turbines. Originally over 12 minutes I edited it so only the English parts remain. If I can get it translated I will post more … Continue reading Winds Turbines and Health

Wind Turbine Conference in Owen Sound and Walkerton

Editor: Plan to attend one or both meetings and listen to the Propaganda from various Ministries as they attempt to explain the lies that the wind industry is built upon. Come and listen to Dr. Copes who Hazel Lynn (Medical Officer of Health) describes as a world- renown expert in the field. A search of … Continue reading Wind Turbine Conference in Owen Sound and Walkerton