When Electricity Made Sense

Premier, Dalton McGuinty Talks About Renewable Energy For Ontario

Anti-NWO Graduation Speech – Erica Goldson

Editor: Watch and learn.  All are the voices of young women. Are they the new Rosa Parks? Don't expect to find these young women sitting at the back of the bus! May they be both an inspiration and a guiding-light to  youth everywhere. The second video is a video I shot in the spring of … Continue reading Anti-NWO Graduation Speech – Erica Goldson

Geo-engineering – Global Warming and Depopulation Program

A video I made back in 2008 combining chemtrail footage, depopulation quotes and global warming quotes. 1st collector for Chemtrails via the UN and the Environmentalists Follow my videos on vodpod

Climate scientists targeted for fraud

Editor: This is rich! Scientists living "High on the Hog" pushing the MMGW/climate-change fraud,  now find themselves victims of fraud. Ironic ain't it. We should applaud these fine upstanding folks for putting a hurt........if only minor, on these criminals that are destroying our economies and countries with their phony science. May I live long enough … Continue reading Climate scientists targeted for fraud

Wood Stoves Under Fire

Editor: Seems the globalists can't come to an agreement on C02 emissions.........so in the meantime they'll get the ball rolling by going after other emissions. New front opens in war against global warming The United States, Canada and Mexico will launch as early as this week a North American initiative to curb hydrofluorocarbons, which are … Continue reading Wood Stoves Under Fire

Ron Stephens ‘Why Wind Farms?’

WIND FARMS EXPOSED as a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT land grab and economic scheme based on carbon tax/credits, Wind Energy & U.N. Agenda 21 explained in a presentation by Ron Stephens at the 'What is Truth Conference' in Woodford, Ontario, Canada (19/12/2010) Toronto Truth Seekers - http://www.torontotruthseekers.com MORE VIDEO FOOTAGE of the Woodford Truth Conference COMING … Continue reading Ron Stephens ‘Why Wind Farms?’

Wind turbine noise – Suncor wind farm Ripley

Editor: Now that the Ontario Municipal Elections are over and it appears most Rural Municipalities have their "Green Teams" in place for the final take-down of Rural Ontario,  it seems  like a good time to re-post this video which now has over 30.000 views. Expect to see many more turbines dotting the Rural landscape in … Continue reading Wind turbine noise – Suncor wind farm Ripley

10:10 eco-fascism video

Editor: This video relays the eco-fascist message well........Do as we say or else! In the film which contains disturbing images, a teacher invites her class to take part in the environmental campaign. Two children, who do not want to, are asked why. The teacher tells them: "Fine, it's absolutely fine. It's your own choice." But … Continue reading 10:10 eco-fascism video

Global Warming Denial

Editor: I would like to thank the folks at Global warming denial for including this blog in their list. Inclusion with the many great organizations who work so hard to expose the Fraud of  MMGW/Climate Change, is truly an honour. Denialist Projects Blowing Our Tax Dollars on Wind Farms ClimateCheck.org (UK) Cooler Heads blog Cornwall … Continue reading Global Warming Denial